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Root Canal

BY hoffman smiles

Root canal treatment is something that most patients feel apprehensive about. But you do not have to fear, Hoffman Smiles LTD is committed to creating and restoring healthy teeth for you while giving you the best and most comfortable dental experience. Our goal is to help you stay on top of your oral health with painless visits. We will help you save your teeth with our root canal treatment.Root canal treatment is a procedure done to save a badly damaged or infected tooth. The procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp), cleaning and disinfecting it and then filling and sealing it. The common causes affecting the pulp are a cracked tooth, a deep cavity, repeated dental treatment to the tooth or trauma. The term "root canal" comes from cleaning of the canals inside the tooth's root. To correct the common misconception, root canal does not cause the pain, but rather relieves the pain.When a tooth's nerve tissue or pulp is damaged, it breaks down and bacteria begin to multiply within the pulp chamber. The bacteria and other decayed debris can result to an infection or abscessed tooth. An abscess is a pus-filled pocket that forms at the end of the roots of the tooth. An abscess occurs when the infection spreads all the way past the ends of the roots of the tooth. In addition to an abscess, an infection in the root canal of a tooth can cause:

  • Swelling that may spread to other areas of the face, neck, or head
  • Bone lossaround the tip of the root
  • Drainage problems extending outward from the root. A hole can occur through the side of the tooth with drainage into the gums or through the cheek with drainage into the skin.

In general, whatever the cause of root canal or pulpal disease, root canal or endodontic treatment will be needed to save the tooth. All dentists receive training in endodontic treatment and can perform root canal procedures, but often a general dentist will refer individuals who need endodontic treatment to an endodontist, a root canal specialist.

What are the steps involved in performing a root canal treatment?

  1. Local anesthesia is administered via injections to numb the tooth to be treated and the surrounding tissues. It may take a while to get numb if the pulp of the tooth is severely inflamed.
  2. A dental dam will be placed over the affected and adjacent teeth. The tooth undergoing treatment protrudes through a hole punched in the dam, isolating it from the rest of the mouth. This allows the root canal treatment to be carried out in a sterile environment free from contamination by bacteria found in saliva or the rest of the mouth.
  3. A small access hole is drilled through the biting surface of an affected back tooth or from behind a front tooth, allowing access to the pulp chamber and root canals for treatment.
  4. The diseased and dead pulp tissue is removed from the tooth with specially designed instruments used to clean out the root canals and pulp chamber.
  5. The canals are disinfected with antiseptic and antibacterial solutions.
  6. The canals are then shaped with tiny flexible instruments to allow them to receive root canal fillings and sealers.
  7. Root canal fillings are selected that will exactly fit into the freshly prepared canals. Usually a rubber-like material called gutta-percha is used to fill the canal space. It is a thermoplastic material (“thermo” – heat; “plastic” – to shape), which literally is heated and then compressed into and against the walls of the root canals to seal them.
  8. A temporary or permanent filling material will then be placed to seal the access hole that was made to treat the canals, and the dental dam is removed.
  9. After the procedure, an antibiotic may be prescribed to treat or prevent infection. Be sure to follow the instructions of your dentist or endodontist carefully.
  10. Your tooth will need a permanent restoration — a filling or a crown — to replace lost tooth structure, and provide a complete seal to the top of the tooth. Your endodontist will send you back to your general dentist to determine which type of restoration is best for you.

What are the benefits from getting a root canal treatment?

  1. It makes chewing effective because the restored tooth can already function as a natural tooth
  2. It restores normal biting force and sensation
  3. It brings back the natural appearance of your teeth as you do not have to deal with a decayed looking tooth nor will you have to opt for a tooth replacement
  4. It protects other teeth from wear and strain

Contact Hoffman Smiles Office for best root canal therapy in hoffman estates il.Conveniently located - 990 Grand Canyon Parkway Suite 215, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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