Many people in the world are facing periodontal diseases causing gum bleeding and gum pain. Periodontal or Gum disease is an infection around the teeth including gum, the cementum that covers it, the periodontal ligament,the root and the alveolar bone. The bacteria which are inside our mouth, along with mucus and other particles,create a slimy, pale‘plaque’ on teeth. By daily brushing and flossing, you can clear out plaque but the plaque that is not removed harden and form a ‘tartar’ that brushing couldn’t clean. You need to go to a professional dentist to get rid of tartar. Periodontal disease can harm your oral heath by causing premature loss of teeth.The inflammation of the gums is called ‘gingivitis’ that happens because of the bacteria. The red, swollen and bleeding gums are indications of gingivitis, though it is a mild form of decease, and can be prevented easily by maintaining regular dental hygiene.If gingivitis is not treated, then things can get worse and cause ‘periodontitis’. Periodontitis refers to the inflammation around the tooth, in which swollen gum gets detached from the teeth, forming spaces called ‘pockets’ between tooth and gum. Bacteria growreally fast in the pockets, causing infection.
The goal of gum disease treatment is to control the infection and prevent damage to the teeth. There area number of non-surgical periodontal treatments to treat gum disease.
Through scaling, thedentist scraps off the tartar from above and below gum line. Root planning helps to clear the tough spots in the tooth root where germs gather. In some cases, laser technique is used to clear plaque and tartar.
The tray delivery system includes a custom-fit tray that is made from the impressions of the patient’s mouth. It can be used at home by the patients while delivering medication prescribed by their dentist.Contact Hoffman Smiles Office for best periodontal disease in hoffman estates il.Conveniently located - 990 Grand Canyon Parkway Suite 215, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169