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Dental Cleanings May Help Keep Lungs Clear in Hoffman Estate

BY hoffman smiles

Dental cleanings, it has come to light recently, even aid and abet in keeping lung infection at bay. Regular dental check-ups can cut short the risk of pneumonia by cutting down on the number of bacteria which result in lung infections. If one keeps good oral hygiene and even gets scaling of teeth done on a regular basis, it will result in healthier lungs as well. Though it is not possible to do away with all of the bacteria in the mouth, one can keep them to a minimum with cleaning up operations.

What does it take to have good oral health?

As is said, all that it takes is two minutes in the morning and two minutes in the evening to keep your lungs in a good working order. Here, we are doing nothing else but talking about brushing and flossing your teeth each morning and night.

What is the mouth-lung linkage?

All of us know that smoking causes lungs to shrivel up, shrink and become weak. What is now known is that those who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD and other lung ailments had a much higher rate of gingivitis and periodontal disease than those people who have healthy lungs. The exact connection is not clear. However, bacteria from dental plaque, when taken into the lungs, can lead to COPD. Not only this, these bacteria can even start off infections in those who are healthy.

Do not take any chances with your oral health

There are a lot of pointers to the fact that one should not take unnecessary risks with one’s oral health. For good gum and lung health, it is wise to brush and floss at least twice each day for two minutes each time, as mentioned above. What is even better is to brush after each meal. If it is not possible to do so, it is best to at least rinse your mouth thoroughly well with water. Rigorous rinsing too has a good effect on overall oral health, and the cleanliness condition of the mouth undergoes a lot of improvement with this.The actual basic factor is that one should steer clear of all factors which lead to gingivitis and periodontal disease. Studies have proved that good oral hygiene will lead to good oral health. Removal of plaque can happen with regular cleaning habits. If by maintaining this regimen, one will free oneself or at least will place oneself in a lesser risk group from such dental as well as lung diseases, then what is the harm in practicing them?Pearly white teeth and healthy gums are a big reward for any person to have. What is even bigger a reward is for our lungs, which are one of an essential part of the human body, to stay in a fit and fine condition. Thus, it makes good sense to practice good dental cleaning habits.For details, contact: 990 Grand Canyon Parkway Suite 215, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169. Contact: (847)250-6979.

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